Maureen Mitton Portfolios for Interior Designers. A Guide to Portfolios, Creative Resumes, and the Job Search

Maureen Mitton Portfolios for Interior Designers. A Guide to Portfolios, Creative Resumes, and the Job Search

Категория: Культура и искусство

Товарная группа: Изобразительное искусство, фотография

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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The complete guide to portfolio development for interior designers It's a widely known fact that interior designers need a strong visual presence in the form of a well-crafted, professional-looking portfolio. Surprisingly, however, many interior designers aren't equipped with the expertise required to organize and unify their work in a fashion that optimally conveys their talents and skills. Portfolios for Interior Designers helps demystify the process by guiding the reader toward mastery in assembling a winning portfolio. It delivers essential step-by-step instruction presented in a manner that shows interior designers how to properly and effectively display their designs. This book also includes: Color and black-and-white illustrations showing portfolio elements and options Graphic design concepts necessary for portfolio development Specific information for the design of digital portfolios Supplemental teaching resources that direct readers to a companion Web site Useful tips on the ways that popular graphics software applications can be best implemented for certain portfolio elements Samples of cover letters and resumes, along with discussion of job search procedures With the aid of real-world examples, Portfolios for Interior Designers examines how a portfolio can be used as an effective tool for communicating with clients and other professionals. A much-needed guide, this book eliminates the uncertainty surrounding portfolio development so that interior designers can showcase their abilities success-fully—and land the next job.

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