James Norrie Breaking Through the Project Fog. How Smart Organizations Achieve Success by Creating, Selecting and Executing On-Strategy Projects

James Norrie Breaking Through the Project Fog. How Smart Organizations Achieve Success by Creating, Selecting and Executing On-Strategy Projects

Категория: Наука и образование

Товарная группа: Зарубежная образовательная литература

Продавец: Интернет-магазин litres.ru

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A trail of mismanaged or terminated projects in recent years has cost the North American economy $100 to $150 billion dollars annually in lost productivity and shareholders capital. Unfortunately, the gap between project selection and project execution is often symptomatic of the onset of Project Fog, an all too familiar business situation in which projects are started and stopped constantly; resources fall short of the project workload to be executed; and, in the end, the entire effort is seen as a failure. A guide to sidestepping the usual hazards that often spell Project Fog, this book bridges the gap between executives who develop strategy and decide what projects get approved, and the project managers who have to execute those projects flawlessly. It provides a roadmap so that project managers can partner with executives to align their portfolio of projects with overall business strategy, ensuring that things get done right.

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