Christina Cavanagh Managing Your E-Mail. Thinking Outside the Inbox

Christina Cavanagh Managing Your E-Mail. Thinking Outside the Inbox

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Зарубежная деловая литература

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Manage information overload to save time and money E-mail is one of the most useful and efficient business applications ever developed. However, many people today dread the chore of sorting through an inbox crammed with messages that don't concern them and spam they don't want. In fact, research shows that North American office workers waste up to twenty hours every week sorting and managing their e-mail messages, causing more productivity loss than gain. Finally, there's a straightforward guide dedicated to helping workers and organizations tame the e-mail monster and take back their time. Managing Your E-mail is a simple, accessible reference for workers and organizations that want to get the most out of this ubiquitous and sometimes overwhelming method of communication. With new strategies for dealing with e-mail inefficiencies and practical tips on getting and staying organized, it will free up hours of time each week for what's really important. It examines the categories and patterns of e-mail misuse and presents practical, research-based explanations, solutions, and quick tips on topics such as: * Best practices for responding to e-mail * When to choose more traditional communication methods over e-mail * How to structure an e-mail for high-impact * How to craft more readable and understandable messages * Legal pitfalls to avoid * Common e-mail myths * How to reduce e-mail volume in your organization

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