Karen Lojeski Sobel Uniting the Virtual Workforce. Transforming Leadership and Innovation in the Globally Integrated Enterprise

Karen Lojeski Sobel Uniting the Virtual Workforce. Transforming Leadership and Innovation in the Globally Integrated Enterprise

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Управление, подбор персонала

Продавец: Интернет-магазин litres.ru

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Praise for Uniting the Virtual Workforce «Uniting the Virtual Workforce offers much-needed guidance on how to navigate the largely unmapped territory of virtual work environments in the global economy. The authors do an outstanding job of presenting how organizations should address the challenges of virtual workforces so as to reap the huge potential benefits of increased growth, productivity, and innovation.» -C. Warren Axelrod, PhD, Chief Privacy Officer and Business Information Security Officer, U.S. Trust, and author of Outsourcing Information Security «Lojeski and Reilly bring us something that readers of business books so rarely get-no nonsense practical guidance on how to manage distance, especially where it most often serves as an impediment to working effectively.Ê If you interface with widely dispersed team members who rarely see one another and communicate by virtue of impersonal electronics, you may expect to find this book provocative, counterintuitive, and above all, exciting. It gives all of us who have to struggle, while working with talent stretched across distance, hope, that maybe there are ways to do this right!» -Patrick J. McKenna, author of First Among EqualsÊ «A must-read for global corporate executives who manage geographically dispersed job sharing teams. Practical strategies for preventing productivity loss and optimizing innovation. The authors pull no punches in showing the real downsides to the virtual work phenomenon; they have done a great service for us all.» -Jeff Saperstein, author of Creating Regional Wealth in the Innovation Economy «Uniting the Virtual Workforce charts the course for competing in the twenty-first century by tapping into the powers of virtual work. Any manager who ignores the virtual workforce is underperforming, and any company or organization that does not appreciate virtual work is already at a competitive disadvantage. Karen and Dick have tapped into a key ingredient in the recipe for global growth.» -Jerry MacArthur Hultin, President, Polytechnic Universi

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