Michael Thomsett C. Getting Started in Rental Income

Michael Thomsett C. Getting Started in Rental Income

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Управление, подбор персонала

Продавец: Интернет-магазин litres.ru

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An accessible introduction to GENERATING RENTAL INCOME FROM REAL ESTATE GETTING STARTED IN RENTAL INCOME Just as location is a critical component to the value of real estate, knowledge is a critical component to investing success. As with any type of new endeavor, gaining knowledge and experience is essential as you move forward toward success. If you're interested in generating rental income through an investment in real estate, but unsure of how to go about doing this, Getting Started in Rental Income will show you the way. Written in a straightforward and accessible manner, this book discusses the two major ways of entering the rental income market–the traditional purchase of rental properties or buying and selling fixer-upper properties–and reveals what you need to do once you're in. This easy-to-read guide clearly explains how to: * Invest in the right properties * Generate cash flow adequate to make insurance, tax, utility, and monthly mortgage payments as well as to allow for periodic vacancies * Make a profit from flipping properties * Take advantage of the tax benefits of real estate * Implement specific strategies–beyond diversification–to mitigate real estate risk * And much more Furthermore, Getting Started in Rental Income also identifies the pitfalls and market risks of this field, as well as the personal aspects of becoming involved in rental income. If you're interested in generating income through real estate and want to learn how, this book has all the answers.

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