Steve Slavin Geometry. A Self-Teaching Guide

Steve Slavin Geometry. A Self-Teaching Guide

Категория: Наука и образование

Товарная группа: Математика

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Learn geometry at your own pace What are congruent circles? How do you find the hypotenuse of a triangle? What is the sum of the angles in a decagon? How can you apply geometric equations to your daily life? With the unbeatable study companion Geometry: A Self-Teaching Guide, you'll discover the answers to these questions and many more. This thorough primer presents an easy-to-follow, proven method for grasping the key concepts of geometry. You'll progress step by step through plane, solid, and analytic geometry and then move on to geometric applications for calculus. You'll build your problem-solving skills along the way through detailed examples, reviews, exercises, and answer explanations. The clearly structured format of Geometry makes it fully accessible, providing an easily understood, comprehensive overview for everyone from high school students to adult learners to math mavens. Like all Self-Teaching Guides, Geometry allows you to build gradually on what you have learned-at your own pace. Questions and self-tests reinforce the information in each chapter and allow you to skip ahead or focus on specific areas of concern. Packed with useful, up-to-date information, this clear, concise volume is a valuable learning tool and reference source for anyone who wants to improve his or her understanding of basic geometry.

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