Jeffrey Allen G. Instant Interviews. 101 Ways to Get the Best Job of Your Life

Jeffrey Allen G. Instant Interviews. 101 Ways to Get the Best Job of Your Life

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Поиск работы, карьера

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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"Every page of this exciting new book explodes with the energy of new ideas. You haven't read these techniques on the Net or anywhere else. Highly recommended!" —Joyce Lain Kennedy, America's No. 1 Syndicated Careers Columnist Get all the interviews you want—instantly! It's a jungle out there—a jobjungle. You're crouching—and grouching—waiting impatiently to attack the next job that appears. You hear a rustle through the trees and hold your breath. Something moves— but before you can pounce, it's gone. Each time you get better and better. . .at blowing interviews. Is that you? Why? What are you waiting for? You could be having more fun and more success than you've ever had in your life! Instant Interviews turns you into an interview magnet. If you're going to use traditional lead sources like the Internet, classified ads, or job fairs, this book will supercharge their effectiveness. You'll stop waiting for something to happen and start making it happen yourself. Instant Interviews includes 101 easy, proven techniques for getting the only thing that counts in the job jungle—an interview. Get face-to-face with your future using these strategies and dozens more: Find your ideal employer online right now Incite potential employers to interview you today Immediately reply to only the hottest job listings Know now what employers want, not what they say Read between the lines in help-wanted ads to get interviewed first Develop your interviewing persona fast Develop a list of personal references by tomorrow Use temporary assignments differently to get hired right away Get interviews through the back door this Saturday Auction yourself to the highest bidder by next week Develop an endless flow of job offers without delay It's all inside. The techniques in Instant Interviews are designed solely to have you in the right place at the right time to land your dream job. Starting today. Smart, savvy, and sure—these are the ultimate skills for unlimited career success through unlimited interviews in any economy.

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