Bruce Williams Lean For Dummies

Bruce Williams Lean For Dummies

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Управление, подбор персонала

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Take charge and engage your enterprise in a Lean transformation Have you thought about using Lean in your business or organization, but are not really sure how to implement it? Or perhaps you're already using Lean, but you need to get up to speed. Lean For Dummies shows you how to do more with less and create an enterprise that embraces change. In plain-English, this friendly guide explores the general overview of Lean, how flow and the value stream works, and the best ways to apply Lean to your enterprise. This revised edition includes the latest tools, advice, and information that can be used by everyone – from major corporations to small business, from non-profits and hospitals to manufacturers and service corporations. In addition, it takes a look at the successes and failures of earlier Lean pioneers – including Toyota, the inventors of Lean – and offer case studies and hands-on advice. The latest on the Six Sigma and Lean movements The role of technology and the expanding Lean toolbox Case studies enhance the material Lean For Dummies gives today's business owners and upper level management in companies of all sizes and in all industries, the tools and information they need to streamline process and operate more efficiently.

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