Stephanie Hammer Architects of Electronic Trading. Technology Leaders Who Are Shaping Today's Financial Markets

Stephanie Hammer Architects of Electronic Trading. Technology Leaders Who Are Shaping Today's Financial Markets

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Управление, подбор персонала

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Insights that can help you improve your technology edge Featuring contributions from technology visionaries at leading alternative investors, hedge funds, trading firms, exchanges, and vendors, this book covers current trends in trading technology. The book features interviews with the leaders responsible for the technology that is shaping today's electronic financial markets. You'll hear the views of CIOs, CTOs, and other technology leaders on emerging technologies, innovation in the financial sector, and how technology is enhancing markets in ways other than just speed. Their perspectives on harnessing technology to enhance computing power, reduce time to market, bolster risk management, and much more offer valuable lessons for readers. Includes a wealth of practical insights on how to improve your technology edge Features interviews with leading technology professionals in the financial industry across an array of asset classes and markets Serves as a topical guide to the latest developments, enhancements and applications of technology to tackle trading and risk management challenges Includes insights from top technology professionals on evaluating and adopting technology solutions Looks at the effects of technology on finance professionals and their businesses as well as the global finance industry generally

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