Rick Sweeney Achieving Service-Oriented Architecture. Applying an Enterprise Architecture Approach

Rick Sweeney Achieving Service-Oriented Architecture. Applying an Enterprise Architecture Approach

Категория: Художественная литература

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A complete, comprehensive methodology and framework for adopting and managing a successful service oriented architecture environment Achieving Service-Oriented Architecture helps to set up an SOA Architecture Practice defining the policies, procedures, and standards that apply not just to IT developers but to the entire corporation as it relates to business applications. Why a new architectural approach is necessary for your business to achieve all the value SOA has to offer Focuses on setting up an enterprise architecture practice for service-oriented architecture Discusses the implementation and governance processes for SOA Defines and describes an overall architectural framework for managing SOA assets at an enterprise architecture level Shows how to set up and run an SOA Enterprise Architecture Practice using the methodology and framework presented Defining how an Architecture Practice can transform itself and your corporation to maximize the benefits of the SOA approach, Achieving Service-Oriented Architecture provides a pragmatic enterprise architecture approach and framework for implementing and managing service oriented architecture from a business organization and business practices perspective. Note: CD-ROM/DVD and other supplementary materials are not included as part of eBook file.

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