Boris Collardi F.J. Private Banking. Building a Culture of Excellence

Boris Collardi F.J. Private Banking. Building a Culture of Excellence

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Банковское дело

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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An insightful overview of the keys to world-class client service in the private banking sector As the number of wealthy individuals around the world increases, private banking and wealth management companies have grown to keep pace. After the fast growth the long term success is predicated on both winning and keeping clients, making a client-centric model a must. Private Banking: Building a Culture of Excellence provides a clear, easy-to-follow guide to building a committed base, written by an industry expert. Presenting an overview of the elements required to build a successful and client-focused private bank that delivers the kind of care and excellence wealthy clients demand, the book even includes real-life examples for a better understanding of concepts and, to help you achieve your goal. Outlines how to implement a practical strategy for success in the growing private banking sector Explores the key drivers in the private banking industry as well as the most recent developments in the environment to help you stay on top of customer demands Includes case studies and other resources to show the keys to private banking done right in action Private Banking provides useful, hands-on advice for building a strong, lasting business in the private banking sector.

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