Donald Luskin The New Gold Standard. Rediscovering the Power of Gold to Protect and Grow Wealth

Donald Luskin The New Gold Standard. Rediscovering the Power of Gold to Protect and Grow Wealth

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Управление, подбор персонала

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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The guide to returning to a gold standard All that glitters is gold and gold has never glittered so much as it has in the last decade, reaching staggering new prices in recent years. The definitive modern argument to returning to a gold standard, The New Gold Standard succinctly and clearly explains the nature of sound money, the causes and cures of inflation and deflation, the importance of fiscal responsibility within a sound monetary system, and the reasons for recessions and depressions. Little has been written beyond academic histories of the gold standard, but gold standard expert Paul Nathan fills that void for the first time Written for beginning and professional investors, the book provides guidance on how a gold standard will strengthen the dollar, reduce debt, and help stabilize the economy, offering easily applied strategies for investing in gold now and in the future The degree of depressions and recessions and the boom bust cycle can be avoided with a sustainable, stable monetary policy The international return to gold is not a fad but a sign of a world in monetary transition As long as governments continue to print money and deficits continue to rise, gold will be a hot commodity. As inflation creeps up, more and more talk will turn to returning to some version of the gold standard, and The New Gold Standard is the first major work to explicitly address the challenges and benefits of such a move.

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