Joyce Lain Kennedy Job Interviews For Dummies

Joyce Lain Kennedy Job Interviews For Dummies

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Поиск работы, карьера

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Deliver a show-stopping interview performance Does the thought of interviewing for a new job send shivers down your spine? It doesn't have to! Whether you're searching for your first job, changing careers, or looking for advancement in your current line of work, Job Interviews For Dummies shows you how to use your skills and experiences to your advantage and land that job. Following a half-decade characterized by an explosion of economic crises, global expansion, and technological innovation in the job market, today's job seekers vie for employment in a tough era of new realities where few have gone before. In addition to covering how to prepare for an interview, this updated edition explores the new realities of the job market with scenarios that you can expect to encounter, an updated sample question and answer section, coverage of how you can harness social media in your job search, information on preparing for a Web-based interview, and the best ways to keep your credibility when applying for several jobs at once. Out-prepare the competition Overcome your fear of interviewing Ask smart questions about the job and the employer Give the best answers to make-or-break questions Fit your qualifications to the job's requirements Dress like an insider Survive personality tests Interview across cultures Evaluate a job offer Negotiate a better salary Whether you're fresh from the classroom, a prime-timer over 50, or somewhere in between, Job Interviews For Dummies quickly gets you up to speed on the skills and tools you need to land the job you want.

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