John McKean Managing Customers Through Economic Cycles

John McKean Managing Customers Through Economic Cycles

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Маркетинг, PR, реклама

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Whether you are a global Fortune 500 organization or a small business Managing Customers Through Economic Cycles show you how to optimize your business's sales and marketing approaches specific to survive and thrive in each economic cycle and transition. «The business case for continuing to invest in service and innovation can be compromised by an economic downturn. McKean clearly lays out the case for weathering the economic storm by achieving a careful balance of investment in the areas that truly matter – and continually using data to reinforce the idea that business can be more science than art, after all.» —Barbara Higgins, Vice-President, Worldwide Contact Centers, United Airlines «John McKean's work has served as practical guide for me and my teammates. I have seen countless examples of businesses managing their customers’ experience with a short term economic view. If the right principles are employed consistently, as John teaches us, we can create the right emotional experience that delivers growth and loyalty – as well as the improved operating leverage – that are needed in good times and in tough times. Consistency of values and experiences keeps companies from having to be reactionary and short sighted in a down economy. Thanks, John, for another practical lesson.» —John Quinn, former Customer Service and Support Executive, Bank of America «In good times and bad, forecasting where business is headed is both art and science. As John McKean so eloquently states, marrying data driven analytics with consumer insight is critical for managing through tough economic cycles. This book is a must read for anyone intent on driving greater profitability and consistently out-behaving the competition.» —Joni Newkirk, CEO, Integrated Insight, Inc., former SVP, Business Insight & Improvement, Walt Disney Parks & Resorts «John McKean continues his pursuit of the profitable customer through the turbulent world of boom and bust. His book provides valuable insights into how businesses survive and thrive in a volatile eco

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