Robert Cipriano E. Facilitating a Collegial Department in Higher Education. Strategies for Success

Robert Cipriano E. Facilitating a Collegial Department in Higher Education. Strategies for Success

Категория: Наука и образование

Товарная группа: Прочая образовательная литература

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Written for department chairs and deans, this well-researched resource offers a practical reference for how to create and sustain a more civil and harmonious departmental culture. Filled with useful information, including relevant case law, the book gives readers what they need to know to enhance the climate, culture, and collegiality in an academic department, as well as the university. Praise for Facilitating a Collegial Department in Higher Education «Bob Cipriano has provided a book that addresses department civility—a critical, ongoing problem in higher education. The book is rich in examples, best practices, and strategies for dealing with individuals as well as ways to build collegial departments?. Not only is the book packed with information, the author also has an engaging writing style and wit.»—Daniel W. Wheeler, higher education consultant; professor emeritus and former head, University of Nebraska-Lincoln «Pull out a fresh highlighter before opening this book! Be prepared to immediately collect practical, usable tools for building civility in your department from an experienced chair and successful workshop presenter.»—Sharon Brookshire, director of conferences, Division of Continuing Education, Kansas State University «Department chairs' greatest job dissatisfaction emanates from colleagues in conflict. Bob Cipriano teaches and guides us, first how to deal with toxic colleagues and then how to turn your department into a collegial environment.»—Walter Gmelch, dean, School of Education, University of San Francisco

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