Chan Thomas The Chinese Yuan. Internationalization and Financial Products in China

Chan Thomas The Chinese Yuan. Internationalization and Financial Products in China

Категория: Бизнес и экономика

Товарная группа: Зарубежная деловая литература

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Few topics have attracted as much attention worldwide in recent years as the RMB. These debates have gained added urgency in light of the financial crisis and the topic of RMB revaluation is now being actively debated in countries all over the world from Tunisia to the United States. This book explores the ever-changing role of the RMB and the related derivative products. However, it does so from a view that is heavily influenced by the fallout from the financial crisis as well as the in the context of the increasing maturity of the Chinese capital markets. The author has drawn on his experience as a regulator to provide invaluable views, insights and information on RMB derivative products and the development of this market going forward. Key topics include: Overview of current China economy and its capital market In-depth analysis on the China's banking system and foreign exchange system Extensive analysis of on-shore and off-shore financial products in China Explanation of the needs and reasons for RMB products innovation Insights into the internationalization of the RMB Not only will this book leave its readers with a much clearer idea of the structure of China's capital markets but it also gives insights on the market going forward leveraged through Peter Zhang's many years of experience as both a senior banker and through his integral role in the key regulatory authority of the banking sector, the CBRC.

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