American Society of Transplantation Primer on Transplantation

American Society of Transplantation Primer on Transplantation

Категория: Наука и образование

Товарная группа: Прочая образовательная литература

Продавец: Интернет-магазин

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Produced in association with the American Society of Transplantation, this new edition is full of practical advice for the next generation of transplant professionals. In addition to 5 organ-specific chapters: kidney, pancreas, heart, lung and liver, the book includes essential information on: immunobiology pharmacology donor management infectious complications pediatric transplantation general principles of patient management Fully updated and redesigned to make it even more user-friendly, the book now contains clinical vignettes, key point boxes, and self-assessment multiple choice questions in each chapter. Primer on Transplantation, Third Edition is an invaluable resource for all health professionals in the transplant team including trainees, residents, fellows, physicians, surgeons, nurses and transplant co-ordinators. Purchasing this book entitles you to access to the companion website: The website includes: Interactive Multiple-Choice Questions for each chapter Figures from the book as Powerpoints for downloading All chapters online

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